Girlies Go Goth At The Academy Awards!

A fashion blog is not officially a fashion blog until it has documented its opinion regarding who were the ultimate best dressed celebrities at the Academy Awards. So, without further ado, here are my own personal picks of the most Gothically glam gentlewomen who graced the red carpet for the most glamorous night in Hollywood’s calendar…

1) Cate Blanchett

Oscars 2015 - Arrivals

Last year’s Best Actress winner and, thus, this year’s Best Actor presenter added a splash of colour to this elegant black velvet number with a bold turquoise neck decoration.

2) Sienna Miller


Ms. Miller rocked a similar look to the aforementioned Blanchett. I adore the simple, preppy bow detailing.

3) Kelly Osborne


I think the question here is what wasn’t gorgeously Gothic about Kelly Osborne’s Oscar attire? I especially love how this lady constantly clashes her cutesy pastel lavendar quiff with rugged, dark, sophisticated gear…

4) Zendaya

87th Annual Academy Awards - Arrivals

I must admit, I did have to Google who this bright young thing was. And I’m still not entirely sure. But her stunning dress just reminds me of sensual Victorian lingerie, reminisce of something you would imagine a bride of Dracula wearing…so what is not to love? Love love LOVE this dress!

5) Felicity Jones


Keeping with the theme of non-black attire, Felicity Jones looked like an absolute Disney princess in this Alexander McQueen Cinderella gown. That pearl-adorned bodice and neckline? One word: STUN-NING.

6) Rosamund Pike


I promise, I will return to the comfort zone of black, grey and all their derivatives in the very near future, but I couldn’t possibly ignore the structuring of Rosamund’s rosy LRD. The ingenious cinching gives the illusion that she possesses a waist of around a two-inch circumference…and you work that split, girl!

7) Hannah Bagshawe


AKA Mrs. Eddie Redmayne, AKA The Luckiest Woman Alive. The feather detailing on this dress certainly is something to write home about. I simply must congratulate this fine lady in her wonderful wardrobe this awards season. PS-the mister didn’t look too bad himself.

8) Melanie Griffith


THAT NECKLINE: CAN I GET AN AMEN?! The perfect combination of class and burlesque elegance.

9) Laura Dern 


I shall call this ‘chainmail chic’. It would have been simply criminal to ignore the wicked craftsmanship that has gone into this stylish suit of glamorous armour.

10) Tegan and Sara


These twinnies certainly chose comfort over formalities but didn’t they look just fabulous in doing so? Congrats girls, you made ‘casual’ on the prestigious Oscars red carpet actually work! And, if possible, could I borrow that dress sometime? Please and thank you.

11) Dita Von Teese


Okay, okay, technically she didn’t actually grace the red carpet (she just partied hard at ol’ Elton’s place afterwards) but when she looked this on-point, how could I refuse to include her in my line-up? Never one to disappoint is our fair Dita.

12) Meryl Streep

87th Annual Academy Awards - Arrivals

ALL PRAISE QUEEN MERYL. WORSHIP THE GROUND SHE WALKS UPON. KISS HER SACRED FEET. So suave, so smooth, so sophisticated….gah. You’ve killed me, Streep. You’ve actually killed me. Brava, you wondrous lady.


The BRITs were also this week.

And while everyone is still busting a lung over literally the most golden moment in live television history (ie-the moment Madonna became ‘The Fallen Madonna With Hair Like She Had Been Dragged Backwards Out Of A Bush’), I have been fangirling over Paloma Faith’s spectacular performance of the heartbreaking ‘Only Love Can Hurt Like This’. THIS is how you put on a performance!

Until next time muchachos!

-Niamhy xx

I Can Sing A Rainbow…

In the not-too-distant past, I was late to the game in being alerted to the existence of one fantastic specimen of clothing. Allow me to introduce to you the one and only UNIF Crayola Sweater…


(I think she may be a little shy…wicked dye job, though. And big up to the leather backpack. Job well done.)

The second I laid eyes on it, I simply had to have it. The burning desire consumed me day and night. I simply could not rest until it tickled my tingling skin. You know what they say…a little colour never killed nobody. It has come close multiple times…but never really succeeded.

Unfortunately, with a price tag of $88 (excluding shipping charges), this glorious sweater was simply out of my reach. My dreams were shattered. That is…until now.



Mirror cameo from mi madre…

Well. Close enough.

Naturally, I had an innate desire to Goth-up this little rainbow number for fear of leaving the house resembling one of the school children from Matilda (1996). A grey woollen turtleneck, some leather-look skinnies and a pair of Oxblood Dr. Martens later and HEY PRESTO…I still looked like one of the school children from Matilda but I felt pretty hella rad. So I simply had to share my joy with the readers of my bloggy-wog. I would like to thank the Academy for allowing me the opportunity to buy this marvellous sweater, as well as the Urban Outfitters sale and my employee discount.

However, rather unfortunately for my purse, I now have the UNIF bug. I SIMPLY CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF THIS BRAND.

From the adorable Bound Creepers


To the Poodle Moto coat…


And not to mention this Lydia Dress




Needless to say, I can practically hear the sobs of my poor purse crying from the depths of my handbag as I type. Ah well. As this insanely awesome UNIF t-shirt says…


Au revoir, me hearties!

-Niamhy xx

Happy Valentine’s Day from High Priestess Fashion!


As an eternal singleton, I thought, “What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day on my little bloggy-wog than to do what I do best…and create a list of my tippy-toppy heartthrobs?” And I mean all of them. The weird AND the wonderful. EVERY. LAST. ONE. There are no secrets over here. Let the fun begin…

NB-I am going to try my best not to include any of the glorious males featured in my best dressed men post from a few weeks back. But that might be very difficult to me. So I shan’t make any promises.


1) Dan Smith


If some miracle-worker approached me tomorrow and told me that I could choose one celebrity to carry around in my pocket for the rest of my life, this fella here would be number one choice, no questions asked. It would seem he’s just about the only person who is as obsessed with Twin Peaks is I am. And that’s gotta count for something, right? Plus he’s as cute as a button. There are no flaws here. None whatsoever. Oh, and did I mention he has the voice of a heavenly angel? I should also probably note I have been to every gig he’s ever performed in Belfast. Me? An obsessed fan? Never.

2) James McAvoy

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I’ve been infatuated with this guy since the moment I laid eyes on his hairy hooves in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Ten years later and not much has changed; he’s still as gorgeous and I’m still as infatuated. Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only James McAvoy: my first celebrity obsession. And it got me bad. It really did. Sigh…the memories…sweet, sweet youth…

3) Alex Turner

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The ‘bad boy’ persona. The arrogance. The cheekiness. The accent. And those heartwrenching lyrics. These are the qualities that make up the man responsible for composing the soundtrack of my heartbreak, the painfully alluring Alex Turner. My dreams came true last summer when I finally had the opportunity to witness this glorious specimen perform live and…well…let’s just say it certainly was an intense experience. And now for the song which defined my late teenage years…

4) Eddie Redmayne

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Hey, I did say I wasn’t making any promises! And how could I possibly exclude the man of the moment, the delightful Mr. Redmayne? JUST LOOK AT THOSE FRECKLES. I couldn’t resist. I simply couldn’t. My love is eternal.

5) James Blake

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I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to anyone who has ever been subjected to my hyperactive babbling about how much I…ahem…appreciate this man and his music. I would like to apologise in particular to anyone has ever been subject to a detailed description in regards to one particular song of his. But really, Blakey, are you trying to kill me with this? Are you actually trying to kill me? (For anyone, James Blake’s I Am Sold is my favourite song in the history of the world and I am obsessed with it and I listen to it on loop like constantly but I mean, it is actually the most stunningly magnificent song ever written, like what is there not to love?)


1) Steven Patrick Morrissey

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No surprises here then, am I right? Okey dokey. Moving swiftly on…

2) David Lynch

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When I grow up, I want to be just like David Lynch. Scrap that; when I grow up, I want to BE David Lynch. Except female. I am completely and utterly in love with this absolute genius’ beautifully disturbing mind. Plus we share the same birthday. Obviously January 20th is the day for birthing creative excellence.

3) WB Yeats

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A mermaid found a swimming lad, picked him for her own, pressed her body to his body, laughed; and plunging down forgot in cruel happiness that even lovers drown. Need I elaborate?


1) Special Agent Dale Cooper

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I too like Audrey Horne have a dream whereby a tall, dark and handsome stranger falls madly in love with me and takes me away to a life of mystery and international intrigue. It would seem that Agent Cooper’s only problem is that, in the immortal words of Audrey Horne once more, he simply is “too perfect”. I completely identify with my beloved Audrey because I am also totally besotted with My Special Agent. It certainly is wonderful and strange.

2) Dimitri from Anastasia (1997)

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I understand how completely deranged this may seem but in my defence Dimitri was EXTREMELY well animated! Plus John Cusack’s voice is a major winner. So can you blame the four year old me for falling in love with this cartoon character after watching him teach Anastasia how to waltz? I maintain to this very day that good ol’ Dimitri is the reason I continue to have issues in the love department. He set my expectations at too great a level. The bar was raised far too high. I am destined for failure.

3) Duckie

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TEAM DUCKIE ‘TIL I DIE. I highly doubt I will ever be able to forgive Andie for choosing Blaine over him. He lived to like her. He would’ve DIED for her. C’mon Andie, couldn’t you have just tried a little tenderness?

4) Fox Mulder

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It would seem that I certainly have a ‘thing’ for fictional FBI agents. Seriously though, there is nothing more attractive than a man with a passion. Especially a passion for the extra-terrestrial. Add to that a strangely therapeutic monotonous drone of a speaking voice and a wicked collection of trench coats, and you’ve got Fox Mulder. What a droll cat he is.

I guess it’s time I gave up my chitter-chatter before I get too boisterous and bubbly and say something I will undoubtedly regret in the morning. But before I depart, I would like to leave you with a gloriously Gothic ballad of love on this Valentine’s Day. To all those in love, out of love, experiencing unrequited love or blissfully content whether part of a pair or riding solo, I wish you a happy Valentine’s weekend!

-Niamhy xx

My January Lookbook!

For the past two weeks every time I closed my eyes in an attempt to drift off into The Land of Nod, I could hear a small distant voice crying out to me, “Come back…come back to me…” I have concluded that this little voice was that of this little bloggy-wog. Either that or I really need to make an appointment with a specialist.


So as a homecoming gift (please do detect the sarcasm in this statement), I decided I would entitle my blog to a little glimpse of the author. Aren’t you all lucky (once again: sarcasm)? Having attempted to take some time out each day whilst in London to capture a little snapshot of my outfit for that day, I have created an extremely amateur lookbook of what I wore over my birthday week, both in The Big Smoke and in the comfort of my beautiful wee Belfast. I hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I have the oddest shaped legs known to man. Please, no hate.



Denim jacket: vintage

Charcoal turtleneck: Zara

Grey bobble sweatshirt: Topman

Leather-look skinny trousers: Topshop

Dr. Martens: Schuh

Early mornings, long delays in the airport and lengthy treks to find my apartment got me channeling my inner John Bender with a grungy, ‘rebellious teen’ look. Kinda smells like teen spirit to me.



Jumper dress: Urban Outfitters

Black turtleneck: H&M

Flecked tweed shorts (worn underneath: Topshop

Twelve solid hours of exploring the city COMPLETELY ON-FOOT had Niamhy feeling a bit worse-for-wear by about 10pm. Sleepy bunny. But I did get the ‘typical tourist’ photo I so desperately longed for. So it was all worth it. ONE OF THE BEST DAYS EVER.

The aforementioned tourist-y shot...

The aforementioned tourist-y shot…

Coat: Urban Outfitters

Telephone box: property of London


I must admit, day three was my birthday and in my excitement of finally achieving my lifelong dream of witnessing The Phantom of the Opera on the Her Majesty’s Theatre stage, posy photos of my outfit were forgotten in an ecstatic, excited haze. But please enjoy this photo of me looking like a foetus-faced chubby cherub having a deranged fan-girl moment:





Black lace blouse: Urban Renewal

Bralet: Urban Outfitters

Satin palazzo pants: H&M

Boogie-boogie time for Niamhy back in beautiful, beautiful Belfast! And it wouldn’t be my birthday without an insane pair of shoes perfectly capable of causing a fatality…but don’t we love them?


Shoes: Privileged for Schuh

And just for you lovely readers, I have a before and after feature of me before I left the comfort of my home and a few hours later when I was considerably…ahem…happier. Here’s the before:


And…um…here’s the…eh…after. Let’s play a game of spot the difference, shall we? Pouts vs. smiles, anyone?





Shoes: Schuh

It is tradition for my mother and I to attend at least one ballet per year (me having been a ballet dancer for seven years) and this year was no exception. This is what I wore to a performance of The Nutcracker by the Russian State Ballet of Siberia at the Grand Opera House, Belfast. In an attempt to get the perfect shot of my outfit, I managed to take three standard photos, none of which equated to my idea of perfection…but here, have them anyway:

outfitfive3 outfitfive2

So basically…yeah. That’s y’all up-to-date with what I wore for an entire week in the month of January. Who knows…maybe this monthly lookbook idea will become a regular feature of the blog. Either that or I will die of embarrassment at having posted so many wannabe-model photos of myself on the internet and will never write an article on this blog (or any other form of social media, for that matter) ever again. Only time will tell.

-Niamhy xx

Welcome Back, Wonderland LA!

The moment I birthed this baby of mine (I’m speaking of this blog, obviously), I have been dying to write a blog post about Wonderland LA. Numerous times I have gone to compose an article about this emporium only to come across an insurmountable hurdle; that of the temporary closure of the online store as a result of a mysterious fire in what I may wrongly recall as being the shop stockroom? Or am I confusing this with ASOSgate? Hmmm…

Either way, some brand of incendiary has prohibited me from proceeding with this blog post.



This store is a treasure trove of dark delights. Stocking men and women’s clothing, accessories, housewares and beauty products (including official High Voltage Tattoo merchandise), all items are sourced and chosen by Kat Von D herself and you can certainly see why! From the disturbing to the beautiful, this shop is the perfect haven for lovers of the Gothic and the unusual. And the prices aren’t too scary either.


The main woman herself…

So, in true High Priestess Fashion style, allow me to outline for you my top picks from the collection which I am desperate to have in my wardrobe and that I think you should be craving too. Who knows, I might even throw in a couple of non-clothing items…gasp…variety is the spice of life after all. The excitement is all too much for me.


1) Lynch Tank Dress


If there is one face I want to be walking around wearing on my body, it is David Lynch’s. I positively idolise the guy and everything he lays his distinctive finger upon. Team this tank dress with an oversized plaid shirt, a pair of fishnets and some oxblood Dr. Martens and you are surely onto a casual winner.

2) Magik Top 


I can only assume that wearing this top would feel like bathing your body in a mixture of warm butter and honey. And hello, velvet? Who can say no to a spot of velvet? Dress this up with a high-neck white silk blouse with billowing sleeves and a PVC pencil skirt. Victoriana chic with a modern twist. Bingo.

3) Morrissey Bodysuit


Okay, maybe there are TWO faces which I would happily have on my body. MORRISSEY. ON A BODYSUIT. WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE? Armed and ready for action.

4) Nightplay Bustier Dress


Always wanted to look like the perfect vamp-ish pinup, but never know how to do it? All you need is this dress. Literally. That is it. This dress could make the most conservative, plainest of Janes look like a provocative queen. I need this ASAP.

5) Poe T-Shirt


This unisex tee is simple but effective. Big ol’ Edgar’s face on the front accompanied by an eye-test of his glorious words on the back. All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream…love, love, love!


1) Wanderlust Oxford Heels


The epitome of the ‘killer heel’. These shoes certainly were not made for walking. Strictly car-to-bar stilettos. But what the heck, treat your feet, girl!

2) Tooled Leather Violin-Muse Belt


This belt is enough to bring tears of joy and amazement to the eyes of any classical music fans. It is literally a masterpiece of true artistry. A work of genius. I can’t believe I never thought of it before. This is the only belt one could ever need. Downright stunning.

3) Vampire Princess Nail Rings


These nail rings are the perfect touch of bling. I’ve always wanted to be a vampire princess…and now with these nail rings, I well and truly can! You can tell admirers that those are the blood droplets of your enemies you keep as mementos…just to REALLY creep them out. MWAHAHAHAHA!


1) The Vendetta Garden Gnome


Seriously, how cute is this little guy? I genuinely cannot cope with how adorable he is. LOOK AT HIS CREEPY LITTLE FACE. I’m done. I am so done.

2) Black Pre-Dripped Pillar Candle


Anyone who has ever been lucky enough to enter my family home will vouch for the fact that the females in this household have a mild obsession with candles. And nothing screams ambiance quite like a black pre-dripped candle. If there is one thing I need in my life, it is this candle. Just as long as a virgin doesn’t light it. Wouldn’t want to be summoning any Sanderson Sisters now…or would we?

Last but not least, Wonderland LA is also the main stockist of Kat Von D’s make-up brand, Sephora…but more about that in a blog post in the very near future. For now, it’s an adios from me. And I suppose I better wish you all a happy new year so…happy new year!

-Niamhy xx


In the not-too-distant past (literally about three days ago), I began to notice a trend forming amongst the people I follow on Instagram. Suddenly, everyone was posting perfectly filtered photographs of themselves in adorable little vintage-inspired outfits, each photo accompanied by the Insta-tag #TWPIveBeenNaughty. Naturally, I was curious. Naturally, I wanted to decipher this cryptic code. And naturally, I found the source of this foreign tongue.

And that source was the London-based online fashion brand THE WHITEPEPPER.


What started out as a meagre Tumblr blog soon developed into an online store, and now the brand stocks concessions in the likes of ASOS, Topshop and my very own Urban Outfitters. It truly is a Cinderella-esque rags-to-riches story.

If I am completely honest, a lot of the designs on the site are a little too sweet and kitschy for my rebellious self, nevertheless I absolutely adore the cutesy tea dresses and vintage sweaters. However, I was rather pleasantly surprised by how head-over-heels in love I fell with some of the more sinister, gothic-chic items, which I could definitely see gracing the Narnia caverns of my wardrobe sometime soon (including one particular accessory which I highly doubt I can live without from this moment onwards).

So, without further ado, here are the top five items from the cherubic brand THE WHITEPEPPER…

1) The Sleeveless Velvet Layer Smock Dress


One can never have too many LBDs. And how fetching is this delightful little number? I’m a sucker for a turtleneck but the naked arms add a touch of allure to the otherwise rather conservative dress, whilst the black velvet and the net frill detail at the hem adds a touch of elegance and glamour. The perfect Christmas party dress if you ask me. So get your (ice)skates on before the festive season is beyond us and you’ve missed your chance!

2) Hologram Angular Lace Up Brogue


Masculine shoe shape? Check. Sci-fi-perfect holographic upper? Check. Whacky heel? Check. Tell me, what is not to love about these eye-catching shoes? Dressed up with a feminine shift dress or dressed down with some bobby socks and a pair of mom jeans, these would be the ideal addition to the alternative shoe closet.

3) Limited Edition Stripe Frill Hem Knit Jumper Dress 


Although no longer available in black on the website (the navy and teal is still pretty fab), I couldn’t possibly write this post without including this little number. Did someone say ‘Twin Peaks’? Words cannot possibly convey how much I long to don this ensemble and dance around in my socks, pretending I’m Audrey Horne swooning along to some ‘dreamy’ music in the Double R Diner…sigh…

4) Oversized Teddy Coat


This would be an absolutely heavenly companion on this night of sub-zero temperatures. It’s the sort of jacket that once you see it on a person, you simply have to hug the wearer. That is, if the wearer can spare a second to stop hugging themselves. It is just one cuddly, cosy, snuggly, lovable, carressible, warm…wait, where am I going with this again?

And last but not least, my ultimate favorito…

5) Textured Faux Fur Shoulder Bag


This would be the perfect final touch to the perfect fictional outfit I have concocted in my mind’s eye for my birthday in January. Therefore, I must have it. There can be no debate. There can be no deliberation. There can be no question about it. I. MUST. HAVE. IT. That is all.

Honestly, this list could have gone for quite a while longer but that’s no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther…wait. That’s the coda of The Great Gatsby. I have no idea how to finish blog posts. Can I not just let F. Scott Fitzgerald do it for me? I’m away. Bye-bye.

-Niamhy xx