Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On…

I must not tell a lie. My reaction to the news that Ghost had collaborated with Urban Outfitters may have been uncalled for. It would not be an understatement to say that my facial expression was quite similar to that of a certain acclaimed Munch painting…


If, like me, you are prone to hibernating under a rock and hermit-ing your life away cocooned in a blanket with only gallons of Diet Coke and clichéd supernatural/crime/science fiction TV shows for company, allow me to strip everything down to the basics.

Urban Outfitters is the (rather controversial) clothing company who employs yours truly and is notorious for the onus of its focus being on retro, vintage and (dare I say it) ‘hipster’ styles. In case you didn’t know, this company really digs cats and pugs. And it is a pretty groovy company to be a part of… *cough* suck-up *cough*

Complimentary hipster meme...

Complimentary hipster meme…

Ghost is a London-based fashion house famous for modernising the classic biased cuts of evening dresses of yore, updating their designs each season but remaining faithful to their sole aim of maintaining the glamour of vintage occasion wear.

I would give away organs to own this dress...

I would give away organs to own this dress…

So, I bet I can guess the question which currently resides in your minds…what happens when these two (significantly different) gametes fuse together to create a little fashion hybrid?

Well, here lies your answer:


Did I hear the word ‘chic’? If this is not the definition of the perfect LBD, I don’t know what is. Congratulations, Ghost and UO. You have managed to produce the perfect love-child. I hasten to add that the collection is actually affordable too, with the photographed satin slip dress being the most expensive piece in the collection standing at a reasonable £120. As us Belfastians say, you couldn’t be bad to it.


The Winnie midi satin slip dress in silver is currently on my wishlist. My somnolent musings wander to visions of me pairing this gorgeous item with my beloved purple velvet Dr. Martens and a black fur coat (faux, of course). It truly is such stuff as dreams are made on.

Niamh’s expectations of being a grunge princess:

kate-moss-slip-dress 6a01543409ba67970c015392e9f264970b-800wi

Niamh’s reality: (Sorry Courtney, babes, this was a faux pas…)


So, I think a round of applause is in order for Urban Outfitters and Ghost for doing it right *claps* and I pray for many collaborations between the two companies in future. Over and out. I’m off to count the pennies in my piggy bank…

-Niamhy xx

An Ode To Dita

As I previously stated, I am basically wandering aimlessly through this world of fashion blogging, so I dare say that this style of post will soon evolve into a feature along the lines of ‘Style Icon of the Week’ but we shall cross that ivy-suffocated burning bridge when we come to it. Anyway, let’s get to it…

Burlesque star. Pin-up model. Fashion designer. Business woman. Actual superhero. The classiest, most glamorous, most alluring woman to ever exist. Who else would have a list of accolades this lengthy? It can only be one person. This, ladies and gentlemen, is my ode to Dita Von Teese.



There are simply no words to convey the envy I feel for this lady. She has it all. Everything that makes her ‘perfect’ in the Gothic style stakes. Actually, she has so many wonderful attributes that contribute to her distinctly Gothic image that I couldn’t even begin to list them. But I’m sure as hell going to try.

1) Her flawless skin.


This is possibly the greatest item of anguish for me that Ms. Dita possesses. She is (metaphorically) a porcelain doll. She has the skin of a newly-birthed blanket of midnight Christmas snow. And you know it must be something grand because I literally just wrote a poem about it in that sentence.

2) The perfect pin-up hourglass figure.


Sometimes I find myself staring at images upon images of Dita with one question whirling around my mind…HOW? Surely a figure like that defies every law of science. This woman defies all of the laws of science.

3) She works a tuxedo better than any man ever could.

dita4 dita3

Dita Von Teese: forever making fashion statements which scream, “Sisters are doing it for themselves!” (You will soon learn that women in menswear is my favourite thing ever.)

4) She has a vintage wardrobe to positively DIE for (just keeping it Goth).


Von Teese is one of those life-ruining people who still somehow manages to be breathtakingly beautiful doing the most human tasks. Bringing out the bins. Walking the dog. Posting a letter. SHE ALWAYS LOOKS LIKE A STARLET. She struts around in those Louboutins like they are ballet pumps. She takes no prisoners.

5) She wore the most killer purple dress when she married the Goth Dark Lord himself, Marilyn Manson.


Marriages fade. The perfect dress lasts forever.

And if I hadn’t made it crystal clear enough yet that Dita Von Teese is the most perfect person to ever grace this planet, she is an avid supporter of the charity PETA, whilst also raising awareness of AIDS and campaigning for women’s rights. Should we just drop everything and build a shrine to her right now?

Dita has no need to fear falling downstairs...the stairs build themselves around her...

Dita has no need to fear falling downstairs…the stairs build themselves around her…

If there are any readers left who I haven’t scared off by my uncontrollable gushing about Queen Dita, I bid you a fond farewell and hope to speak to you soon. Over and out!

Niamhy xx

Welcome To High Priestess Fashion!


This is the première post of my new project, High Priestess Fashion, and I am your host, Niamh (the High Priestess herself). I promise I don’t bite…I welcome you warmly!

First things first: I have finally found the time to produce this fashion blog baby as a result of my inability to do much else having been struck down by a mystery illness (otherwise known as ‘the flu’). Therefore, the past two days have been spent gathering ideas for this little pretty. Unfortunately, as I sat down to write this first blog post, all of my coherent, logical, brilliant ideas flew out the window with my prospects of a bright future. So instead, enjoy this rather rad rockabilly skeletor couple:


(I guess this is the point when I issue a disclaimer, legally stating that none of the images I use on this site are mine, and that if you do happen to be the owner of any of the images used and wish me to remove them, simply give me a bell. I don’t be wanting no fisticuffs. I’m only 4ft 10.)

Anyway, I suppose I better declare what you should expect from this blog. Well, first and foremost, this is a fashion blog for the stylish people that mainstream fashion shunned. Hold on tight for a raucous ride through fashion’s darkest, murkiest, most antique corners…Gothic, Rockabilly, Steampunk, Grunge, New Romantic…you name it, we’ll explore it!


I should also warn you that there is a massive probability that some of my other absurd fascinations may also make a habit of creeping into blog conversation at seemingly random moments. Like this guy (the ultimate bae):


Or this guy (the role model):


Or most definitely this guy (the icon of my idolatry):


But I hereby swear that no matter where my discussion may wander to, I shall always relate it and return to fashion. Because I am Irish and, therefore, I have an innate ‘Gift of the Gab’. So I can do that. With anything. ANYTHING.

Before I digress any further, I shall make my speedy departure. Thank you for your time, implied listener who may or may not be there, and I hope to speak to you again soon in the foreseeable future (tomorrow, if I am spared). I shall leave you with these words of wisdom from the Princess of Goth herself…


-Niamhy xx