A-Z Of Reasons To Recover: I Is For Initiating And Inviting Change

Picture the scene: you are standing in the familiar surroundings of your bedroom, having just purchased the skirt of your dreams from a notable high street retailer and in the process of trying on said skirt…when you discover that the combination of zip-length and waistline do not accommodate your new famine waist/feast booty body shape. What do you do? Do you;

A) have a small meltdown, resulting in a Rudolph nose, blotchy cheeks and Nile deltas of eyeliner streaming down your face?

B) forget about it and move on with your life because these things are just a factor of life and should not impinge on you in the slightest?

C) take to the internet and cause a storm, becoming a pioneering sizing standards activist?

It is with great shame that I tell you, reader, that my response in the heat of the moment was to go down the A route, with disastrous results. The rest of my weekend was ruined and, despite this event occurring around a fortnight ago, my anxiety surrounding the daily switch from pyjamas to clothing suitable for public exposure is sky high.

It was only a few days later when I was alerted to this news story, which thus confirmed a further argument that I literally do live in my own little Niamhy bubble, considering I had been completely oblivious to the controversy that had been sparked online from this one particular selfie:

ruth clemens selfi

This was snapped by one Ruth Clemens PhD in the fitting room of H&M, where she was scouring the sale rails for the latest bargains, as we all do. What this image shows is the size 14 Ms Clemens failing to fit into a pair of size 16 jeans. And I, for one, want to salute this lady for her bravery and panache for taking a stand against the retail regime with this condemning letter to the outlet, which has since gone viral:


I will admit that initially I was critical of the praise and publicity Clemens’ post was receiving, simply out of immaturity and jealousy. I begrudged her courage as it only exacerbated my fear that my polemics are merely superficial, the opening situation providing the evidence that I really am neither proud nor comfortable with my adult female body. And it was only as I was removing my too-big size 4 Topshop culottes to try on a pair of size 6 H&M jeans that were displaying a “NO VACANCY” sign to my refuge-seeking thighs that I realised that it is my job to join hands with this Ruth Clemens and call for change. It is society’s mixed signals regarding shape and body image which has made me this way, hating this new body which is just “not right”. What is “right”? Who are you to advertise the need for people to love their bodies on one page of your glossy magazines, only to tell me how to diet appropriately to lose 30 pounds in two weeks on the next? Who are you to tell me what clothes are the most flattering shape to compliment my body shape in order to ensnare onlooking males? Who are you to deny me the right to standardised sizing in high street retailers? It needs to be known just how triggering this failure to regulate clothing size ranges can be. Unfortunately some people, myself included, simply do not have the strength of women like Ruth Clemens to call clothing shops out on their wrongdoings. Instead, we consider what food we can cut from our dinner plate and how many squats we must do to burn 100 calories after we “indulge” on a banana.

I recently had the opportunity to talk on BBC radio about mental health and what must be done in society today in order to reduce the stigma surrounding those suffering from mental health issues. But the truth is that this is not just a problem for those suffering from or vulnerable to eating disorders or depression or any other mood disorder. Whilst I write from the viewpoint of one who has experienced anorexia, this is a universal dilemma, as I cannot name one person, male or female, who would or has not been disheartened by a situation similar to those described above. We must take to social media and follow the example of Ruth to initiate a change in our high streets. I do not exaggerate when I say that it could save a life.

I would like to close by once again thanking Ms Clemens for her fearlessness and as I bring an end to this blog post I hope that it won’t be long before I too can appreciate the new dance moves I have acquired as a result of now having to do the wiggle-boogie around my room in order to get my jeans on in the morning.

-Niamhy xx

Why My Tattoos Are The Most Beautiful Aspect Of My Body…

It is no secret that I am an admirer of anyone who is brave enough to use their body as the foundations for a beautiful piece of artwork to be embedded on their skin, telling a tale of one aspect of a person’s life for the remainder of that body’s existence on this planet. However, there are some people who disagree with these beliefs of mine.

No more have these beliefs become apparent to me than over the past fortnight, this past fortnight having been the first one I have spent with my new baby…ladies and gentlemen, I give you the latest addition to my collection, making my tattoo total equal the mighty number 2 (okay, I know, bit of an anti-climax…give me a break, I’ve only been legal for five months or so).


Needless to say, my initial reaction (an emotion which remains even two weeks after completion) was one of sheer admiration, love and amazement at the fact that someone (Mr. Martin McKeown of The Human Canvas Tattoo & Art Studio) should have such a talent for creating this amount of detailed artistry on the human body after a few hours spent with some ink and a needle. Tattooing is an art form which will never cease to fascinate my quizzical mind, which is jealously lacking in such creativity.

That being said, whilst 99.999% of outsiders’ reactions to my tattoos have been complimentary and positive on the whole, they have always tended to be clouded with a mask of doubt and an undertone of disapproval. Look, I know you’re trying to be complimentary with the ol’, “Oh, like, wouldn’t get it done, like, don’t like tattoos but, I mean, you really suit it, like, you’re very brave”…but you must try harder.

Nevertheless, I shan’t be deterred. And do you know why? No? Well, allow me to tell you why I am insanely proud of my tattoos.


On my back, not my navel, in case you were concerned…

I find it extremely difficult to deny the overwhelming beauty of my tattoos when I consider the symbolic significance of what they both mean to me. I also find it extremely difficult to verbalise this significance, an emotional barrier forbidding me from ever truly revealing this sacred secret to many people beyond the realms of my closest circles. But I’m going to try my best.

I have never treated my body with the respect it truly deserves. I have subjected it to the most extreme punishments, ranging from starvation and malnutrition to excessive exercise, in order to achieve a level of inner peace through the medium of the “ideal” body image. At this precise moment in time, I continue to pursue this enigmatic end goal, invisible as a result of having no decided concept of what this “ideal” really is. What is the “ideal” body image? If you hold this holy grail of answers in your grasp, please feel free to forward me your knowledge on a picture postcard.

The “ugly” aspects of my body are a result of my own actions. The downy hair. The dry, dull skin. The goosebumpy flesh. The brittle nails. My less-than-feminine figure. The really yucky protruding coccyx which is prone to getting bashed against things, resulting in lengthy periods of being unable to find a comfortable sitting position (I type this whilst drowning in a sea of cushions and balancing awkwardly on my Dennis The Menace knees). All of these things I have done to myself.

So, if I accept the “ugly” things I have done to my body…why shouldn’t I take unquenchable pride in the artwork with which I have adorned the vessel that I have admittedly mistreated for such a long time? My tattoos are a gift to my skin, an attempt at apologising for all of the wrongdoings. THIS is why my tattoos are the most beautiful aspect of my body.


At 18 years of age, about to embark on student life and begin a brand new chapter of my life (…hopefully, results permitting), some wise old people may accuse me of being naive, of being too young and brash to make decisions with such permanency which I may regret in the future. I disagree. As I take these first baby steps into adult life, I vow to do my utmost to establish a truce between my mind and my body. My tattoos are the white flag.

-Niamhy xx



‘Is there anybody there?’ said the Traveller,   
Knocking on the moonlit door…
I can officially confirm that this blogger’s hiatus has reached its end. I have returned!
Undoubtedly to nothingness. Tumbleweed. There is probably no-one reading this. There is a high probability that my small but loyal readership has abandoned me just as I abandoned them…without a word…without a warning…without a second glance…come back…come back to me…reviens-moi…
It’s hard to believe that the last time I blogged was in the immediate aftermath of Oscar season-can it really have been that long? SHOCKING.
Nevertheless, instead of dwelling on the past and the reasons why I disappeared without a trace, allow me to pick up where I left off by doing what I do best: complaining about the multiple trials faced by the Goth population during the most dreaded of seasons. Yes, ladies and gentlemen…summer is officially upon us.
Over the next few days/weeks/months (this is subject to change considering my faltering ability to stay awake for more than two consecutive hours in my current bodily state-more to follow), I plan to explore and attempt to solve the many problems faced by those who are hermetically sealed to their black turtlenecks (ie-me) in the sunniest and warmest of climes, from finding appropriate Gothic swimwear for that otherwise perfect beach holiday to mastering the art of summer layering. This joyous season needn’t be a chore!
Let’s get this bloggy-wog back to its bouncing, boisterous, ACTIVE self! Speak to you all again very, very, very soon! I PROMISE!
-Niamhy xx

Girlies Go Goth At The Academy Awards!

A fashion blog is not officially a fashion blog until it has documented its opinion regarding who were the ultimate best dressed celebrities at the Academy Awards. So, without further ado, here are my own personal picks of the most Gothically glam gentlewomen who graced the red carpet for the most glamorous night in Hollywood’s calendar…

1) Cate Blanchett

Oscars 2015 - Arrivals

Last year’s Best Actress winner and, thus, this year’s Best Actor presenter added a splash of colour to this elegant black velvet number with a bold turquoise neck decoration.

2) Sienna Miller


Ms. Miller rocked a similar look to the aforementioned Blanchett. I adore the simple, preppy bow detailing.

3) Kelly Osborne


I think the question here is what wasn’t gorgeously Gothic about Kelly Osborne’s Oscar attire? I especially love how this lady constantly clashes her cutesy pastel lavendar quiff with rugged, dark, sophisticated gear…

4) Zendaya

87th Annual Academy Awards - Arrivals

I must admit, I did have to Google who this bright young thing was. And I’m still not entirely sure. But her stunning dress just reminds me of sensual Victorian lingerie, reminisce of something you would imagine a bride of Dracula wearing…so what is not to love? Love love LOVE this dress!

5) Felicity Jones


Keeping with the theme of non-black attire, Felicity Jones looked like an absolute Disney princess in this Alexander McQueen Cinderella gown. That pearl-adorned bodice and neckline? One word: STUN-NING.

6) Rosamund Pike


I promise, I will return to the comfort zone of black, grey and all their derivatives in the very near future, but I couldn’t possibly ignore the structuring of Rosamund’s rosy LRD. The ingenious cinching gives the illusion that she possesses a waist of around a two-inch circumference…and you work that split, girl!

7) Hannah Bagshawe


AKA Mrs. Eddie Redmayne, AKA The Luckiest Woman Alive. The feather detailing on this dress certainly is something to write home about. I simply must congratulate this fine lady in her wonderful wardrobe this awards season. PS-the mister didn’t look too bad himself.

8) Melanie Griffith


THAT NECKLINE: CAN I GET AN AMEN?! The perfect combination of class and burlesque elegance.

9) Laura Dern 


I shall call this ‘chainmail chic’. It would have been simply criminal to ignore the wicked craftsmanship that has gone into this stylish suit of glamorous armour.

10) Tegan and Sara


These twinnies certainly chose comfort over formalities but didn’t they look just fabulous in doing so? Congrats girls, you made ‘casual’ on the prestigious Oscars red carpet actually work! And, if possible, could I borrow that dress sometime? Please and thank you.

11) Dita Von Teese


Okay, okay, technically she didn’t actually grace the red carpet (she just partied hard at ol’ Elton’s place afterwards) but when she looked this on-point, how could I refuse to include her in my line-up? Never one to disappoint is our fair Dita.

12) Meryl Streep

87th Annual Academy Awards - Arrivals

ALL PRAISE QUEEN MERYL. WORSHIP THE GROUND SHE WALKS UPON. KISS HER SACRED FEET. So suave, so smooth, so sophisticated….gah. You’ve killed me, Streep. You’ve actually killed me. Brava, you wondrous lady.


The BRITs were also this week.

And while everyone is still busting a lung over literally the most golden moment in live television history (ie-the moment Madonna became ‘The Fallen Madonna With Hair Like She Had Been Dragged Backwards Out Of A Bush’), I have been fangirling over Paloma Faith’s spectacular performance of the heartbreaking ‘Only Love Can Hurt Like This’. THIS is how you put on a performance!

Until next time muchachos!

-Niamhy xx

I Can Sing A Rainbow…

In the not-too-distant past, I was late to the game in being alerted to the existence of one fantastic specimen of clothing. Allow me to introduce to you the one and only UNIF Crayola Sweater…


(I think she may be a little shy…wicked dye job, though. And big up to the leather backpack. Job well done.)

The second I laid eyes on it, I simply had to have it. The burning desire consumed me day and night. I simply could not rest until it tickled my tingling skin. You know what they say…a little colour never killed nobody. It has come close multiple times…but never really succeeded.

Unfortunately, with a price tag of $88 (excluding shipping charges), this glorious sweater was simply out of my reach. My dreams were shattered. That is…until now.



Mirror cameo from mi madre…

Well. Close enough.

Naturally, I had an innate desire to Goth-up this little rainbow number for fear of leaving the house resembling one of the school children from Matilda (1996). A grey woollen turtleneck, some leather-look skinnies and a pair of Oxblood Dr. Martens later and HEY PRESTO…I still looked like one of the school children from Matilda but I felt pretty hella rad. So I simply had to share my joy with the readers of my bloggy-wog. I would like to thank the Academy for allowing me the opportunity to buy this marvellous sweater, as well as the Urban Outfitters sale and my employee discount.

However, rather unfortunately for my purse, I now have the UNIF bug. I SIMPLY CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF THIS BRAND.

From the adorable Bound Creepers


To the Poodle Moto coat…


And not to mention this Lydia Dress




Needless to say, I can practically hear the sobs of my poor purse crying from the depths of my handbag as I type. Ah well. As this insanely awesome UNIF t-shirt says…


Au revoir, me hearties!

-Niamhy xx

My January Lookbook!

For the past two weeks every time I closed my eyes in an attempt to drift off into The Land of Nod, I could hear a small distant voice crying out to me, “Come back…come back to me…” I have concluded that this little voice was that of this little bloggy-wog. Either that or I really need to make an appointment with a specialist.


So as a homecoming gift (please do detect the sarcasm in this statement), I decided I would entitle my blog to a little glimpse of the author. Aren’t you all lucky (once again: sarcasm)? Having attempted to take some time out each day whilst in London to capture a little snapshot of my outfit for that day, I have created an extremely amateur lookbook of what I wore over my birthday week, both in The Big Smoke and in the comfort of my beautiful wee Belfast. I hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I have the oddest shaped legs known to man. Please, no hate.



Denim jacket: vintage

Charcoal turtleneck: Zara

Grey bobble sweatshirt: Topman

Leather-look skinny trousers: Topshop

Dr. Martens: Schuh

Early mornings, long delays in the airport and lengthy treks to find my apartment got me channeling my inner John Bender with a grungy, ‘rebellious teen’ look. Kinda smells like teen spirit to me.



Jumper dress: Urban Outfitters

Black turtleneck: H&M

Flecked tweed shorts (worn underneath: Topshop

Twelve solid hours of exploring the city COMPLETELY ON-FOOT had Niamhy feeling a bit worse-for-wear by about 10pm. Sleepy bunny. But I did get the ‘typical tourist’ photo I so desperately longed for. So it was all worth it. ONE OF THE BEST DAYS EVER.

The aforementioned tourist-y shot...

The aforementioned tourist-y shot…

Coat: Urban Outfitters

Telephone box: property of London


I must admit, day three was my birthday and in my excitement of finally achieving my lifelong dream of witnessing The Phantom of the Opera on the Her Majesty’s Theatre stage, posy photos of my outfit were forgotten in an ecstatic, excited haze. But please enjoy this photo of me looking like a foetus-faced chubby cherub having a deranged fan-girl moment:





Black lace blouse: Urban Renewal

Bralet: Urban Outfitters

Satin palazzo pants: H&M

Boogie-boogie time for Niamhy back in beautiful, beautiful Belfast! And it wouldn’t be my birthday without an insane pair of shoes perfectly capable of causing a fatality…but don’t we love them?


Shoes: Privileged for Schuh

And just for you lovely readers, I have a before and after feature of me before I left the comfort of my home and a few hours later when I was considerably…ahem…happier. Here’s the before:


And…um…here’s the…eh…after. Let’s play a game of spot the difference, shall we? Pouts vs. smiles, anyone?





Shoes: Schuh

It is tradition for my mother and I to attend at least one ballet per year (me having been a ballet dancer for seven years) and this year was no exception. This is what I wore to a performance of The Nutcracker by the Russian State Ballet of Siberia at the Grand Opera House, Belfast. In an attempt to get the perfect shot of my outfit, I managed to take three standard photos, none of which equated to my idea of perfection…but here, have them anyway:

outfitfive3 outfitfive2

So basically…yeah. That’s y’all up-to-date with what I wore for an entire week in the month of January. Who knows…maybe this monthly lookbook idea will become a regular feature of the blog. Either that or I will die of embarrassment at having posted so many wannabe-model photos of myself on the internet and will never write an article on this blog (or any other form of social media, for that matter) ever again. Only time will tell.

-Niamhy xx

(Special Birthday) Saturday Sock-Hops With HPF!

It’s my birthday on Tuesday. Without giving too much away (for my age is a thing of international intrigue and debate), I’ll tell you a little secret…it’s a big one. A massively big one. It’s a very important birthday indeedy.

And so, to celebrate this milestone in my life, tomorrow morning I shall be heading from one big smoke to an even bigger big smoke. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow morning I WILL BE LOSING MY LONDON VIRGINITY. Bring. It. On.

There is really only one anthem which would be appropriate for such a monumental event. If you haven’t already guessed what it is yet…well, you’re a silly billy, to be very honest with you.

(Mr. Strummer’s red shirt and the way he wears it certainly is something to write home about, isn’t it?)

Anyway, it’s a, “Cheerio!” from me, peeps! See you on the other side, when I will be older but certainly not any wiser!

-Niamhy xx

And The Award For The Most Historically Accurate Costume Design Goes To…



Anyone who knows me will vouch for the fact that I can be quite the snob in regards to anachronisms of historical accuracy in films. Especially when those anachronisms arrive in the form of the costume design. There is nothing I detest more than a historically inaccurate costume. Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra, anyone? (Spot the girl who voluntarily did work experience aged sixteen as a fashion curator at a local museum).



Therefore, I felt it was my duty to take to my little baby blog to congratulate the costume designers of The Theory of Everything for doing such an excellent job of…well…costume designing. I’m not entirely certain whether or not the clothes employed in the film were sourced vintage items or reproductions but either way BRAVO!

From Jane Wilde’s (Felicity Jones) adorable pale blue evening gown for the Cambridge May Ball…


To her pitch perfect wedding dress…


And everything in between and after…


Well, let’s just say this fashion history geek gained vast amusement from attempting to pinpoint the era each scene was focusing on based solely upon the costumes. Judge me. I don’t care. It all just adds up to a massive pat on the back and round of applause for the costume team.

If anyone hasn’t seen the film yet, I have just one question for you: WHY NOT?! Get your act together, guys! It is quite literally a masterpiece. I cried, I laughed, I cried some more, had a nosebleed, cried a bit more…stunning. Eddie Redmayne is absolutely astounding in his role as Stephen Hawking. And that isn’t even me just being biased because of my…ahem…appreciation of his talents. He has come a long, long way from Angel Clare of Emminster. I’m like a proud mother. Furthermore, Ms. Jones offers a heartbreaking portrayal of his hard-working wife. Once again, she has come a long, long way from the oh-so-naive Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey. (Why must everything I speak of revert back to period dramas?) So seriously, I don’t understand why you’re still reading this post-GET THEE TO A CINEMA!

I’ll finish up by sending a gargantuan GOOD LUCK to all those involved at the Golden Globes. C’MON, THE REDMAYNE! AND THE JONES!

-Niamhy xx

Alternative Trends In Popular Culture: Tattoos, Memento (2000)

Today, I treated myself to the viewing pleasure of my own personal premiere of Christopher Nolan’s Memento, after approximately six years of promising myself every Saturday that I would watch it that evening. So here I am, on a cold Thursday evening in January, sitting in a darkened bedroom trying to come to terms with what I have just borne witness to and attempting to join the dots in my mind. I am currently getting nowhere. I am still drowning in a cloudy haze.

memento film poster

Despite my wavering viewpoints on various aspects of this film (if you haven’t seen it, I would highly recommend it…I’ll be keeping this post spoiler-free so that everyone has the opportunity to experience this heightened sense of disorientation), there is one topic upon which I have a very definite opinion. And that is the role of tattoos in the film.


For the benefit of those who are unacquainted with the plot of Memento, allow me to enlighten you briefly. Leonard Shelby (Guy Pearce) suffers extreme short-term memory loss following a traumatic incident in which his wife was attacked. The film concerns him seeking revenge for the wrongdoings that have been performed against him and his late wife…however, this is no mean feat considering he is incapable of making new memories, thus forgetting all events within a few moments of them occurring. In order to combat this, Leonard conditions himself to make note of all those events which he deems to be significant. Those events of the greatest importance? They’re noted in ink on his skin.


There are two very distinct and opposing viewpoints represented within the film in regards to these tattoos:

1) They are of massive significance to Leonard. They allow him to live. These are mementos of his past, objects through which he can progress and eventually achieve his ultimate goal. For him, they are essentially a lifesaver.

2) In the words of Natalie (another character, portrayed by Carrie-Anne Moss), they are freaky. Weird. Sure, it would be difficult to caress a hairless chest with the words “JOHN G. RAPED AND MURDERED MY WIFE” scrawled across it. But is the opinion of this one character representative of the ceaseless stigmatisation of tattooed men and women in the media (and in reality) today?


For me, tattoos are a means through which we can illustrate our skin with permanent souvenirs of the most pivotal, monumental moments in our lives. They are a commemoration of our successes in life. They remind us that we have survived. Isn’t this an art-form we should celebrate? Even in its most basic form of the ol’ stick-and-poke (an act which we see our Leonard perform on himself in a scene which I found particularly intriguing…so much so that I had to rewind it to hear the words that were being spoken because I was simply too enthralled by the nifty movement of his fingers), surely this co-existence of science and art is something not to be frowned upon but acknowledged for what it truly is…the creation of a permanent masterpiece on the human body?


Honestly, this is one of my favourite topics of debate. Please, feel free to share your opinion with me. I am genuinely interested. Drop me a comment. Go on. I dare you.

Au revoir, mes petits pois!

PS-if you did not swoon over Guy Pearce’s strangely alluring bleached blond punk hairdo in this film, you are wrong.


PPS-if you were not cast adrift in a sea of your own tears after Leonard’s heartfelt speech about being unable to adequately grieve and get over the death of his wife because he has no concept of time, then you have the kind of emotional stability I crave in my life and I envy you. I really do.

-Niamhy xx

Saturday Sock-Hops With HPF!

The first official sock-up of 2015! CAN I GET A “HELL YEAH”?!

It was a fight to the death in my mind between Mazzy Star’s ‘Fade Into You’ and Nina Simone’s ‘I Put A Spell On You’.

‘Twas a fine competition.

But Mazzy won the mental conflict by a hair’s breath.

Enjoy, lovely peeps! May Hope Sandoval serve you well as the perfect style icon for the long, long, long year ahead. I wish I could wear braids in my hair…and I’ve got to get my hands on a sheer top with thumb cutouts like that…

PS-how rad is that guitarist? The one with the black, flowing waves of hair cascading over his chiselled face? Gentlemen, he can be your style icon of 2015. You should all take a leaf out of his book. Or a few leaves.

-Niamhy xx