How To Goth Up The Festive Season’s Go-To Sequinned Mini!

The struggle is real. The struggle of the Goth girl trying to maintain the courage of her convictions yet attempting to not look too morbid to be confused for attending a close relative’s funeral when, in actual fact, she is actually about to attend the party of the year: the work Christmas party. As I said: THE STRUGGLE IS REAL.

It would seem that this Christmas’ must-have party item is the sequinned mini. It is the ultimate statement piece. Everywhere you go, there they are, frolicking the night (and their life…and their heels) away in the middle of the dancefloor: the personified disco balls. The very definition of garishness.

Having previously been an avid defender of simplicity and hater of the all-over glitter sensation that is AW14’s sequinned mini, I must admit, over the past week I have begun to grow a little jealous. I must admit, over the past week I have begun to desire a dress which captures every glimmer of light as a shimmy away in a vodka-induced frenzy. I must admit, over the past week I have begun to covet a sequinned mini.

And so, the search began. The ultimate search. The search for the Holy Grail of Autumn-Winter 2014.

Thus, here lies the final resting place of my conclusion. After a week of ceaseless scouring, I have decided upon my top five statement dresses suitable for the Goth girl unwilling to conform to the layman’s vision of mainstream normality (all of which I rather conveniently found on ASOS). Let us begin…

1) Sequin Swing Dress with Collar and Cuffs


Wednesday Addams called. She wants her dress back.

2) Motel Sally Mae T-Shirt Dress in All Over Sequin

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The Little Mermaid called. She wants her dress back.

3) Goldie Outsider Dress With Sequin Detail

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Tinkerbell called. She wants her dress back.

4) ASOS Premium Sequin Mini Dress

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Poison Ivy called. She wants her dress back.

5) Little White Lies Sequin T-Shirt Dress With Mesh Back

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Dear reader, you’ll be glad to hear that my comparisons have run dry. This dress is yours. You can keep this one.

Of course, no outfit is complete without the perfect statement accessories. However, considering the vitality of these wicked dresses, I would recommend keeping your decorative trinkets as simplistic as possible. You don’t want to be giving any acquaintances a migraine simply because they dared to stare. I’m loving:

1) ASOS PATCH IT UP Platforms


Nothing completes an outfit more than a pair of velvet burlesque heels, I’ll tell you that for free.

2) Plastic Clutch Bag


Back-to-school meets Gothic chic.

And the finishing touch. The icing on the cake. Actually, the cherry on top of the icing…

3) Urbancode Faux Fur Coat


You know what? My parents have spent a lot of time complaining about the fact that I haven’t indicated what I would fancy for Christmas. Perhaps I should just direct them to this blog. Now, that’s an idea.

Tally-ho, folks!

-Niamhy xx

Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On…

I must not tell a lie. My reaction to the news that Ghost had collaborated with Urban Outfitters may have been uncalled for. It would not be an understatement to say that my facial expression was quite similar to that of a certain acclaimed Munch painting…


If, like me, you are prone to hibernating under a rock and hermit-ing your life away cocooned in a blanket with only gallons of Diet Coke and clichéd supernatural/crime/science fiction TV shows for company, allow me to strip everything down to the basics.

Urban Outfitters is the (rather controversial) clothing company who employs yours truly and is notorious for the onus of its focus being on retro, vintage and (dare I say it) ‘hipster’ styles. In case you didn’t know, this company really digs cats and pugs. And it is a pretty groovy company to be a part of… *cough* suck-up *cough*

Complimentary hipster meme...

Complimentary hipster meme…

Ghost is a London-based fashion house famous for modernising the classic biased cuts of evening dresses of yore, updating their designs each season but remaining faithful to their sole aim of maintaining the glamour of vintage occasion wear.

I would give away organs to own this dress...

I would give away organs to own this dress…

So, I bet I can guess the question which currently resides in your minds…what happens when these two (significantly different) gametes fuse together to create a little fashion hybrid?

Well, here lies your answer:


Did I hear the word ‘chic’? If this is not the definition of the perfect LBD, I don’t know what is. Congratulations, Ghost and UO. You have managed to produce the perfect love-child. I hasten to add that the collection is actually affordable too, with the photographed satin slip dress being the most expensive piece in the collection standing at a reasonable £120. As us Belfastians say, you couldn’t be bad to it.


The Winnie midi satin slip dress in silver is currently on my wishlist. My somnolent musings wander to visions of me pairing this gorgeous item with my beloved purple velvet Dr. Martens and a black fur coat (faux, of course). It truly is such stuff as dreams are made on.

Niamh’s expectations of being a grunge princess:

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Niamh’s reality: (Sorry Courtney, babes, this was a faux pas…)


So, I think a round of applause is in order for Urban Outfitters and Ghost for doing it right *claps* and I pray for many collaborations between the two companies in future. Over and out. I’m off to count the pennies in my piggy bank…

-Niamhy xx