A-Z Of Reasons To Recover: G Is For Growth

Note to reader: prepare to be bombarded with images of me being a pouting, posing imbecile over the next 500 words or so. I promise there is method to the madness.

Exhibit A: 10th March 2016. Formal number one of the year with my best friend of fifteen years.


Exhibit B: 13th April 2016. Demonstrating my newly discovered zest for life and desire for spontaneity, I was finally reunited with my favourite band of my youth, Two Door Cinema Club, after a two year estrangement. Tickets purchased approximately five hours before the show.


Exhibit C: 20th April 2016. Formal number two of the year, with the weirdest, whackiest, most brilliant pack of bookworms I have ever had the pleasure to know.


Okay, so this is a photo of a photo…shoot me.

Exhibit D: 7th May 2016. Dancing my life away with the most beautiful people to grace the planet, my glorious Urbanites. Still feeling the agonising aftermath but hey, I was sporting a new do, and it was totally worth it. Photo cred to the wonderful Miss Lauren McCune.


Exhibit E: 10th May 2016. Spontaneity is key; yes, an unpremeditated, off-the-cuff, completely irresistible trip to The Ulster Folk And Transport Museum. AN ENTIRE TRAIN JOURNEY AWAY. No planning, no scheming…it just happened. Spontaneously.


The reason behind this post is not to brag about how beautiful, perfect and carefree my life is through a series of snapshots. Believe me, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Every waking second is spent battling self-critical thoughts which pirouette in the forefront of my mind to mock every single action I perform throughout the day. But I am living. And that is what I want people to take from this.

Recovery is about so much more than physical growth around the bust, waist and hips.  So much more. It is about the mental, almost spiritual growth you experience. You learn who you are as an individual. You learn what it means to be alive. You simply learn what it is to be. And that is truly what I find to be the most beautiful gift of all. This is what makes this long, painful journey so worthwhile.

I am still learning. I am still growing (both literally and metaphorically). But I suppose we do have to acknowledge some of life’s greatest clichés and truly focus on how far we have come, leaving the worrying about how far we have to go for later. None of what I have referenced above would have been possible even as recently as three months ago. I (we) are entitled to off-days, off-hours, off-minutes, off-seconds, but it is in those moments that we must remember why we partake in this battle with ourselves daily: it is to live. And yes, I have overused superlatives in this post, but so what? That’s what life is about. Making everything bigger, better and more extraordinary.

Peace out.

-Niamhy xx



3 thoughts on “A-Z Of Reasons To Recover: G Is For Growth

  1. Darling you look absolutely gorgeous in these pictures; especially the top (I was blown away!)
    Keep fighting, keep living, and I mean truly living the way you are trying to here because there is so much more to life than food and weight and shape no matter what your head is telling you. You deserve a carefree life. Xx


      • That’s totally okay! I’ve read a lot of your posts, and love the concept of your A-Z of Recovery. I’m doing alright; it was weigh in this morning which was difficult but my parents are visiting today and I’m going out on leave for the day which is a lovely balance. Do you have an instagram account hun? Xx


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