Happy Vegetarianniversary To Me!

As I embark upon The Seven Days of Samhain this Sunday afternoon by feasting upon Interview With The Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (“feasting” being the emphatic word in this statement, as a feast for the eyes it certainly is), I would like to take a brief moment of your time to celebrate the fact that this is my vegetarianniversary. Yes, today marks a whole SEVEN MONTHS meat-free for Niamhy! CAN I GET A FANFARE PLEASE?!


(What are you saying? Of course the obligatory image of Brad Pitt and Kirsten Dunst being absolute undead babes was necessary!)

Okay, I’ll admit, the whole “seven months” thing may be a bit of an anti-climax; I am well aware that there are die-hard vegans of 100 years out there snorting and sighing and shunning me for not being a “true” animal rights activist. But I feel that this is an accomplishment that I deserve to celebrate. Despite all the disapproving glares of the endless reams of doctors and dietitians I have seen over the past few months, I have stood my ground and fought for my right to be a vegetarian and this anniversary stands testament to the fact that I have proved myself and this is not simply the eating disorder talking: this is a passion.

So I would like to seize this opportunity to give a massive shout-out to all the calves, piglets, ducklings, lambs, chicks and fishies who have been been given the chance to exist through my simply having chosen to enjoy a herbivorous lifestyle. I hope your lives have been beautiful. You deserve it.

Picture 9

I would also like to thank:

  1. My parents, for funding a completely organic lifestyle and having to reorganise the kitchen cabinets to accommodate a coeliac vegetarian;
  2. My brother, for embarking upon this journey of meat-free living with me, “simply for the craic”;
  3. This glorious man, for being the final nail in the coffin. Morrissey, you were the one who convinced my mother on March 24th 2015 that all my pleas over the years to pursue a vegetarian lifestyle were not unfounded. Your shocking video in Belfast’s Odyssey Arena (or should I say “fancy shmancy SSE Arena” now?) that night did its job. For this and so much more, I am eternally grateful (you have been warned, there is some quite explicit content to follow)…

I promised short and sweet, so short and sweet it will be. I leave you with one last image. Enjoy!


-Niamhy xx

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