

‘Is there anybody there?’ said the Traveller,   
Knocking on the moonlit door…
I can officially confirm that this blogger’s hiatus has reached its end. I have returned!
Undoubtedly to nothingness. Tumbleweed. There is probably no-one reading this. There is a high probability that my small but loyal readership has abandoned me just as I abandoned them…without a word…without a warning…without a second glance…come back…come back to me…reviens-moi…
It’s hard to believe that the last time I blogged was in the immediate aftermath of Oscar season-can it really have been that long? SHOCKING.
Nevertheless, instead of dwelling on the past and the reasons why I disappeared without a trace, allow me to pick up where I left off by doing what I do best: complaining about the multiple trials faced by the Goth population during the most dreaded of seasons. Yes, ladies and gentlemen…summer is officially upon us.
Over the next few days/weeks/months (this is subject to change considering my faltering ability to stay awake for more than two consecutive hours in my current bodily state-more to follow), I plan to explore and attempt to solve the many problems faced by those who are hermetically sealed to their black turtlenecks (ie-me) in the sunniest and warmest of climes, from finding appropriate Gothic swimwear for that otherwise perfect beach holiday to mastering the art of summer layering. This joyous season needn’t be a chore!
Let’s get this bloggy-wog back to its bouncing, boisterous, ACTIVE self! Speak to you all again very, very, very soon! I PROMISE!
-Niamhy xx

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