(Special Birthday) Saturday Sock-Hops With HPF!

It’s my birthday on Tuesday. Without giving too much away (for my age is a thing of international intrigue and debate), I’ll tell you a little secret…it’s a big one. A massively big one. It’s a very important birthday indeedy.

And so, to celebrate this milestone in my life, tomorrow morning I shall be heading from one big smoke to an even bigger big smoke. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow morning I WILL BE LOSING MY LONDON VIRGINITY. Bring. It. On.

There is really only one anthem which would be appropriate for such a monumental event. If you haven’t already guessed what it is yet…well, you’re a silly billy, to be very honest with you.

(Mr. Strummer’s red shirt and the way he wears it certainly is something to write home about, isn’t it?)

Anyway, it’s a, “Cheerio!” from me, peeps! See you on the other side, when I will be older but certainly not any wiser!

-Niamhy xx

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