Welcome To High Priestess Fashion!


This is the première post of my new project, High Priestess Fashion, and I am your host, Niamh (the High Priestess herself). I promise I don’t bite…I welcome you warmly!

First things first: I have finally found the time to produce this fashion blog baby as a result of my inability to do much else having been struck down by a mystery illness (otherwise known as ‘the flu’). Therefore, the past two days have been spent gathering ideas for this little pretty. Unfortunately, as I sat down to write this first blog post, all of my coherent, logical, brilliant ideas flew out the window with my prospects of a bright future. So instead, enjoy this rather rad rockabilly skeletor couple:


(I guess this is the point when I issue a disclaimer, legally stating that none of the images I use on this site are mine, and that if you do happen to be the owner of any of the images used and wish me to remove them, simply give me a bell. I don’t be wanting no fisticuffs. I’m only 4ft 10.)

Anyway, I suppose I better declare what you should expect from this blog. Well, first and foremost, this is a fashion blog for the stylish people that mainstream fashion shunned. Hold on tight for a raucous ride through fashion’s darkest, murkiest, most antique corners…Gothic, Rockabilly, Steampunk, Grunge, New Romantic…you name it, we’ll explore it!


I should also warn you that there is a massive probability that some of my other absurd fascinations may also make a habit of creeping into blog conversation at seemingly random moments. Like this guy (the ultimate bae):


Or this guy (the role model):


Or most definitely this guy (the icon of my idolatry):


But I hereby swear that no matter where my discussion may wander to, I shall always relate it and return to fashion. Because I am Irish and, therefore, I have an innate ‘Gift of the Gab’. So I can do that. With anything. ANYTHING.

Before I digress any further, I shall make my speedy departure. Thank you for your time, implied listener who may or may not be there, and I hope to speak to you again soon in the foreseeable future (tomorrow, if I am spared). I shall leave you with these words of wisdom from the Princess of Goth herself…


-Niamhy xx

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